

Ok I created another account but I'm not the only one......I know a lot of people who created other accounts but don't get flagged for CPU assistance. I promise, I did not use CPU assistance. Could someone help resolve this? Thanks
>I know a lot of people who created other accounts but don't get flagged for CPU assistance.

This is appalling.

One of your accounts was losing on purpose multiple times against another so that the other account had an artificially higher score.
We put that under cheating and mark it.
Ok...then I know a lot of people who should be flagged...this is unfair
What part is unfair?
That others do it as well or that you got caught? :D
You got caught cheating, but you think it's okay because others are doing it. Wow...
Don't listen to them, cheating's fine. Fancy racking up a good rating and then playing me? You can get me on chunkymonkey, chunkymonkey_2, 3,.......

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