
zen mode

Good afternoon, everyone.

Since I have been using lichess recently I don't understand what ZEN MODE is. Can anyone help me?

Thank you.

I love using Zen mode. It helps me to focus along with making the interface look even more clean. One thing I did not know which is probably obvious to some was that while doing puzzles, I'd always turn off Zen mode to get back to the main screen when I could have just clicked the lichess symbol in the top left corner. That way it will actually stay on!
Personally I dont get zen mode.....may as well just play the computer......
I wouldn't wanna play too much in zen mode cuz if im playing a weaker opponent and im losing in position then I could play on as there's a good chance he/she blunders and if im playing a stronger rated opponent then its better to resign if im completely lost as that saves time... Zen mode hides the rating so I'd assume its higher rated if they're winning and somehow it destroys my confidence
@goldenfox1961 said in #6:
> Personally I don't get zen mode.....may as well just play the computer......

I don't understand. It's still a human opponent and people hardly ever want to chat if that's what you mean. In fact, some bots have better chat.

If all you miss out on in zen mode is knowing the username and rating and the chat that doesn't happen then you're not missing anything of value.

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