
Do you think Magnus is ''The Greatest Chess Player of All Time''?

I think Magnus may have the coolest facial hair. Really close with Rapport though, eh...
The greatest chess player of all time was not programmed yet. Yes, it will be a computer program. And the greatest human chess player of all time was not born yet.
I will say that the most recent world championship match has almost nothing to do with making him the GOAT. I mean Magnus was expected to win the match, Ian was 70 points lower rated (and like #5 in the world), and Ian basically lost one game and then collapsed.

I just don't understand why people think it mattered that much, like could you not see the rating list? He was clearly better than everyone before, during, and after the match. I mean if Magnus had lost or something maybe it could have been quite the hit but otherwise what happened was expected so I'm not really taking too much from it. After the win against Nepo it shouldn't be like "now we should consider Magnus the best of all time" I don't get it.

On top of that, It's not like Kasparov didn't demolish Short and Anand in the same way either.
@Meriten said in #7:
> It's an unfair comparison. Steinitz's positional play expanded our understanding of chess. Moheschunder plays the Grünfeld Defence against Cochrane in 1855 (some 38 years before Ernst Grünfeld was born) and showed us that you can control the centre indirectly. A lot of Grandmasters had a lot of ideas and played them in their games. When Magnus Carlsen began playing chess he had access to all this knowledge plus strong computer engines which help to check positions and theories.
> So is a nobel prize winning physicist today better than Einstein? Is Einstein better than Newton?
> Knowledge is constantly increasing in many areas of our life. But it is unfair to compare persons of different times.

Yes but physics isn't a game, if it was and a match was organized between Einstein and Newton, Einstein would be the clear winner. In the same manner there is no doubt Magnus is the best chess player of all time.

Now wether he's smartest or not that's a whole other discussion and frankly I think it's a pointless and unresolvable one.
Well he is strongest among present era but not among all time period.
Engines have deteriorated the beautiful game of chess. They have made modern players lazy and lack originality and creativity. The drawn games of present time are just boring. If Magnus was born before 1960s, he would be much stronger than today's Magnus.
Any player of before engine era > any player of engine era
@hendrixmaine said in #14:
> I will say that the most recent world championship match has almost nothing to do with making him the GOAT. I mean Magnus was expected to win the match, Ian was 70 points lower rated (and like #5 in the world), and Ian basically lost one game and then collapsed.
> I just don't understand why people think it mattered that much, like could you not see the rating list? He was clearly better than everyone before, during, and after the match. I mean if Magnus had lost or something maybe it could have been quite the hit but otherwise what happened was expected so I'm not really taking too much from it. After the win against Nepo it shouldn't be like "now we should consider Magnus the best of all time" I don't get it.
> On top of that, It's not like Kasparov didn't demolish Short and Anand in the same way either.

You're the only one talking about the world championship, it has an influence but with or without it Magnus is the GOAT with an incredible fur!
@Akbar2thegreat said in #17:
> Well he is strongest among present era but not among all time period.
> Engines have deteriorated the beautiful game of chess. They have made modern players lazy and lack originality and creativity. The drawn games of present time are just boring. If Magnus was born before 1960s, he would be much stronger than today's Magnus.
> Hence,
> Any player of before engine era > any player of engine era

If originality and creativity was enough, current players would use them; chess is the ultimate natural selection game so 1960 Magnus would be lacking critical evolutionary advantage.
@Hitsugaya said in #18:
> You're the only one talking about the world championship, it has an influence but with or without it Magnus is the GOAT with an incredible fur!
I'm not just referencing this forum but many similar discussions that have been had over the last month. Also see #9 as that is the OP referencing the championship.

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