
Why are you guys playing chess?

Why did you guys started playing chess? If you asked me, I will be answering because my parents told me about this and then I felt a lot of satisfication in it.

The first game I played in my history when I was 7 years old, I am black and my opponent's (Is a 40 years old adult) classical rating(in lichess) was about 1250, we played it in a chess club and the time was 2017.

If you have any questinons, welcome to point it out at this forum!! See you guys later.
@andythechessplayer said in #1:
My parents one day said if I wanted chess class, I said sure! And then I won tournaments n stuff
My first game was probably e4 e5 Qh5 g6 Qxe5
(I was white) and I won
I was always memorized by the pieces and the board as a young boy and I knew it was a game I wanted to play , I loved the pieces at first sight xxx
@SimonBirch said in #4:
> I was always memorized by the pieces and the board

Lol, it ́s usually the other way round! I think you mean "mesmerized" ... same here ;)
@Wasted_Youth said in #5:
> Lol, it ́s usually the other way round! I think you mean "mesmerized" ... same here ;)
Oh yes mesmerised. ha ha what a typo Freudian slip lol. I can imagine my pieces saying oh no, it's Simon , we'll be like lambs to the slaughter ha ha ha as I sac another knight xxx ha ha ha ha
My grandfather introduced me to the game, and even though I loved cricket more, I kept playing it.
Then during lockdown I could not play cricket anymore and I started going to chess class(I asked for it!) in early 2020 and never looked back since:)
I was looking for a new game to play on my computer and Chessmaster was well rated. So, I gave it a try.
I had no hobby for a while so I thought to give chess a try since I tried it before when I was a kid. I got into it then chess turned into an obsession for a bit before the burning flame turned into a steady candle light.
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