
How does Lichess rating of 2000 at 10 min map to ELO?

My Lichess blitz rating at 10 minute games is 2000.

How does this roughly map to ELO?
elo is not an acronym, so one does not write it all caps. ELO is the electric light orchestra.
I have the same question as the threadopener. I googled a little bit, but I didn't find a rough comparison.

I was looking for a thread like this, thank you @SmellsLikeChess. Because I need to brag a little bit. Today I broke the threshold of 2000 rapid rating.

I have the impression that there is rating inflation here. My rating is going up continuously. What is your experience? Am I really getting better?
Elo isn't a different way of measuring skill.

It's a different way of adjusting ratings after a game is completed.

LiChess could switch to Elo tomorrow without changing anyone's rating.

If you're 100 points higher rated than someone else you should win 64% of the games. You should win 50% of the games against someone of equal rating.
You cant really convert Lichess rating to elo or vice versa because they dont correlate 100%. Playing one game for a few hours requires deeper calculation and usually deeper understanding of the position. In 10min games the ability to quickly find tactics is more important, because you cant take to much time for each move. You can also play more tricky stuff, which your opponents would figure out OTB quite easily.
Sure @QEDemonstrandum. I know the differences. But still there must be some correlation. I don't expect a formula like elo = (lichess - 350) * 1.05

I just wonder if I really became better in the last 2 years or if the rating pool is inflationary. I hit the 1900 first in December, then hit it more and more, then never went below 1900 since April, and now I am over 2000. Do others have similar observations?

After all, I am looking forward to my first OTB game with long time control next Sunday. Would be useful if my skills went up indeed rather than some random Lichess effect ...
Your 2000 rating is in Rapid, not Blitz. And I don't have an Elo rating so I can't tell you that...but equating it to USCF, I'm guessing (from all the games I've watched) that 2000 here is somewhere in the B-player range.

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