
was this the right move?

Yes 34...e5 was pretty, but 33...Bg3+ would have been faster.
Winning the Queen is paramount amongst weaker players. ;) It’s even more important than delivering mate instantly...
instead of knight a4 you could have castled...
and instead of bishop a4 you could have done knight d3
and probably you should have attacked the knight first instead of bringing the queen up to deal with pawns.
you probably should have brought the rook out later, then you could protect you pieces, but instead your opponent's queen in on the attack while your queen is stuck in the corner.
you should have taken the bishop with knight to give your queen extra time to attack assuming you're white.
if you're black you should have taken the knight the first time you got your queen threatened by a bishop. as well as the time right after. and when the queen got brought up, you should have castled. and killed the white queen with rook.

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