
Petition to modify atomic chess rules!

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I've long been a fan of giving Black the option to switch colours after seeing White's first move (suggested earlier by Abigail-III). Then players have to choose a first move they're happy with from both sides of the board. I doubt it would ever be implemented though.

Atomic960 is a fun option and is rare enough that people haven't put the work in yet to memorize starting positions :) Of the versions already in existence that's the only one I'd be interested in at the moment - I'm not a fan of bullet but White is too overpowered for blitz time controls at the top level.
@lesha2002 said in #24:
> Atomic960 is not a solution. While we played tourneys just for fun that worked well yeah, but in fact I think you underestimate number of unbalanced position in 960. I dont see any problem to remember winning lines in 100-200 positions for white so if lichess will add this variant it will be only a matter of time when strong players will destroy many positions with analyses and that would be worse than Nf3 Nc3 right now.

We could use Stockfish analysis to throw out positions that are too unbalanced and only use the good positions. So it will be something like Atomic 256 :)
@testprogram said in #30:
> Whats wrong with the idea a draw is a win for black? That seems fair, in most positions black's best defense is drawing. And if you draw and you have white you should loose simple as that.

But then black will always play super defensive and aim for draw, which would make the game rather dull in my opinion. Basically black will never take risks to actually win the game.
or a different point system maybe?
white wins - 2.5 for white and 0.5 for black
black wins - 0 for white and 3 for black
draw - 1 for white and 1.5 for black

it doesnt fix the game definitely but i thought it was a possibly a fairer system for tournaments (but this is all just my own opinion)

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