
Any new variant ideas???

Wow don't know why these right-wing-ppl are all so obsessed with this one tournament here on lichess, that now all threads have to be about one topic (and then they get it all wrong aswell...) Can't you see you bring up politics all the time in this Forum and then tell all people 'The Leftists bring it up all the time'...

Support BLM is all i'm gonna say about this :)
@jonesmh I think this variant is bad
upside down chess also bad
Peasants' Revolt also very stupid variant
13x13 chess board also bad for antichess
this position not playable rn1qk1nr/pppppppp/8/8/2BPPB2/P1N2N1P/1PP2PP1/3RR1K1 w kq - 0 1
(white is winning
I think nobody want to play with black pieces
@Toscani it's not effective for beginners but it's more better I think
ıf this position from crazyhouse maybe white have force win

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