
Puzzles: Alternative moves

First of all thank you for implementing puzzles. I like this feature very much.

Today I "failed" puzzle 19395. I saw 4.Qh5 Kg8 5.Bh7 Kh8 6.Bg6 and mate in two more moves, but my solution was rejected as "good move, find a better one". I finally found 4.Bg6 Kf6 and wanted to continue with 5.Qh5, which is mate in 5, but this time I failed as the move was not accepted as alternative solution.

I think a forced mate should never be considered as error.

I've seen some other puzzles where winning moves were not accepted.
I totally agree that this is an unnatural constraint on solutions. Why should a mate in 9 moves as opposed to 7 be unacceptable? A mate is a mate.

Actually, I would go further. If I had a choice of going into an ending a queen up, or continue searching for a (possibly uncertain) mating sequence, I would probably be foolish to choose the latter in a real game.

In some lichess puzzles, you start that much material ahead... I just downvote those ones.
Oh, and I should add... the puzzles didn't specify that it was a mate in 7. It's just assumed that you're to find the best moves, and that these moves should be winning.
It's obvious the puzzle wants you to find the best moves, and the best moves lead to a mate in 7. Anyone could find a mate in 9,10, 11.. in this totally winning position.
4.Qh5 Kg8 5.Bh7 Kh8 6.Bg6 isn't even a legally playable line.

Try playing what you think is correct against the level 8 AI, and then if it works you should report the puzzle with the game that you played against the AI.
@Shamanics Indeed (ouch xD), I here swear to a higher being to not play or solve chess problems when lacking sleep.

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