
Which chess books did you intensively study and gave you clear chess improvement in the long run ?

Currently I am going through another Yusupov book. Mind blowing is an understatement. Joyful. I am sure it will improve my chess.
@derkleineJo said in #2:
> @achja Which one is it? :)

:) Chess Evolution : Fundamentals 1 (I have gone through the other Fundamentals, on-line, a few times). Planning to go through the others of the series in the future.
I go through game collections by various past masters, and there is something to be gained from each of them. My favourite in many ways is the Keres trilogy, Grandmaster of Chess. But probably the one that has helped me most is John Nunn's Secrets of Grandmaster Play. Not just the deeply analyzed games, but also the explicative commentary (mostly, I believe, by Peter Griffiths, an accomplished writer and coach in his own right) hits home for me. Excellent balance of moves and explanation. The right book for me at the right time.
„Move First Think Later“ explains why books don’t work the way they promise.

Do this was my eye-opener. Alas, you don’t become much better by a single book. If you read MFTL you know at least why.
The books help a lot I have improved a lot in face-to-face tournaments as well as virtual ones keep reading them they are very useful
"how to think like a grand master " one of the best i've read it helped me a lot in calculating and how to attack
The same big three:

Modern Chess Strategy - Pachman
Pawn Structure Chess - Soltis
100 Selected Games - Botvinnik

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