
New Sound

What's with the new sounds, at first I thought my speakers were busted. The previous sounds were much better.
We're experimenting with different sounds for different occasions as sound options will be implemented soon. Before it was one sounds for everything.

The old 'dong' sound for everything will likely not return, rather the current ones will likely be improved with time and feedback.
How bout a sound when u make a blunder?! The pacman dying sound, boo-boo- boo...woop-woop!!! Jk
Thanks for the new sounds moves. Also, it would be good if at the beginning of the game, would have sounded a loud signal. And yet it would be cool if when Check would have sounded different sound. Thank you!
Check buttons are coming soon, they're high on the todo list.

There is a sound at the beginning of the game - the classic 'dong'. I was personally looking for something a little bit longer like a scale of chimes when I was designing the new sounds. But I couldn't come up with anything with much ease.
And yet it would be very cool if at the end of the party the winner heard major MIDI chord, and the loser - minor chord
why does it still make the "clicking" sound even when I have it muted. I often listen to music while I play and now it's annoying as hell
The current move sound is really bad, it sounds like broken speaker sound. I vote to not keep it. Or at least the option to change it to something else if people like it.

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