
Chess History

The History Behind Chess

The history of chess goes back almost 1500 years. The game originated in northern India in the 6th century AD and spread to Persia. When the Arabs conquered Persia, chess was taken up by the Muslim world and subsequently, through the Moorish conquest of Spain, spread to Southern Europe.
What was chess invented for?

The legend says that chess was invented around 200 B.C. by a commander, Hán Xin, who invented the game to represent a particular battle. Soon after the battle, an important battle in Chinese history, the game was forgotten and then resurfaced in the 7th century A.D. with several new rules. Chess was invented in India around the 8th century. Then it was known as chatrang, and changed over the centuries by the Arabs, Persians and then ultimately the medieval Europeans, who changed the pieces' names and appearances to resemble the English court.
Chess got its name from a mispronunciation by British merchants, it was originally called shah (king in Persian), Shah mat =king is finished.. Chess is an acronym for Chariot(rook), Horse( knight), Elephant(bishop) and Soldiers(pawns).
What country invented chess?

Early forms of chess originated in India around the 6th century AD. One ancestor was chaturanga, a popular four-player war game that prefigured several key aspects of modern chess. A form of chaturanga traveled to Persia, where the name of the "king" piece changed from the Sanskrit rajah to the Persian shah.
Why does white go first in chess?

A beginner of chess learns the power of “white first” very quickly. They will see that an opponent will prefer the white pieces if given a choice. They feel a sense of empowerment even when they are playing a stronger opponent. For this reason, players who play white may be more motivated to win.
What is the oldest chess set in the world?

The Afrasiab Chessmen is the oldest-known chess set. Burjakov, dated them to the early 8th century. The pieces consist of a king, chariot (rook), vizier (queen), horse (knight), elephant (bishop), and 2 soldiers (pawns).
Does chess raise IQ?
Chess has been shown to raise student's overall IQ scores. A Venezuelan study involving 4,000 second grade students found a significant increase in their IQ scores after only 4.5 months of systematically studying chess.
Who is the greatest chess player of all time?
Magnus Carlsen
Elo system

12882Magnus Carlsen
22851Garry Kasparov
32844Fabiano Caruana
42830Levon Aronian

The queen
The queen (, ) is the most powerful piece in the game of chess, able to move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally, combining the power of the rook and bishop.

The earliest precursor of modern chess is a game called chaturanga, which flourished in India by the 6th century, and is the earliest known game to have two essential features found in all later chess variations—different pieces having different powers (which was not the case with checkers and Go), and victory ...

When playing chess, your brain will be challenged to exercise logic, develop pattern recognition, make decisions both visually and analytically, and test your memory. Chess can be enjoyed by any age—as a result, these brain exercises can be part of the health of your brain for your entire life!